Kinetic Sculpture Club

NYU ITP club Kinetic Sculpture Club main website

Club Spirit
ITP alumni's super cool work
linkage design
Fusion 360 workshop
Fusion 360 and CNC
string control
DC Motor control
Shop Motor Accesorries
Stepper Motor control A4988
Stepper Motor control Silent TMC2209
our work

This project is maintained by

Fusion 360 workshop

First part recording: recording

Question: What CAD or 3D software you use?

Fusion 360 download


get free trial with educational license.

Zoom, Pan and Orbit

middle mouse button

First Mission:

first assembly

Drawings download pdf

Motion Gen Pro Challenge!!!!


Create a bar

Body and Component

When we do assembly, we should make everything a component

Paste and paste new

Paste: add an instance

Paste New: add another instance

edit the second bar

insert Mcmaster Component

6627T53_Position-Control DC Motor

& ground the component

revolute jointj

J is the shortcut for joint

create 2 revolute joints

Activate and Isolate

Activate an object would activate the timeline of a component

Create the sliding groove

toggle colorful mode

Shift+N, or inspect toogle component color cycling mode.

Align objects

Modify, Align.. We usually align things first and then move it to get the right position.

Joint && As-built Joint

Joint: When the parts are not in right position & when it is easy to dimension the joint

As-built joint: When you already align every components and just want to make a joint without any potential translate


By default Fusion will capture every change made to your design in a tieline. This process is called Parametric Modeling and is great when you need to capture specific features and define the relationship between parts.

Turning off design history allows you to work in a Direct Modeling environment. This lets you quickly create geometry without having to worry about individual features.

Joint Origin

Center point square, Middle point triangle, snap

Hover over the face and press control/command on mac

joint limits & rest & suppress joint

animate joints and animate models

motion study


Mission Two:create gears in Fusion 360

second mission reference image

Jennifer Townley - Squares

Jennifer Townley - Squares drawing pdf




rectangular array

rack and pinion

export drawings from fusion 360 to lasercut it


Mission Three

bob potts pursuit image

Fusion file link:

bob potts pursuit image

Fusion file link:


Why fusion?

Why no fusion?

Because there are so many movements that can only be explored by physically building it.