Kinetic Sculpture Club

NYU ITP club Kinetic Sculpture Club main website

Club Spirit
ITP alumni's super cool work
linkage design
Fusion 360 workshop
Fusion 360 and CNC
string control
DC Motor control
Shop Motor Accesorries
Stepper Motor control A4988
Stepper Motor control Silent TMC2209
our work

This project is maintained by

1. GeeksArt

geeksart website

GeeksArt is a company located in Guangzhou, China for interactive art installations. I worked for them before. This is a piece they made called flower shadow.

They shared all their design in this article, giving credit to their designer Wei Lin, Keying Xie, Water(SHuifen) Chen.

flower installation flower flower flower flower

2. studio drift

Meadow website

I love this piece but never saw it in person. Let me know if you had seen it in person!!!


3. Casey Curran

Casey is a kinetic artist using paper to create nature of movements.

Casey’s website flower

4. Choe U Ram

Choe U Ram is another kinetic artist that I admire a lot. His flowers look delicate.

image of flower mechanical

video link

5. slow dance

slow dance image

The flowers are not mechanical, but it use mechanism to create an interesting mvoement for real flowers.

6. Others

flower mechanism

flower mechanism

flower mechanism